I captured these images walking across Waterloo Bridge this week on a sunny clear winter morning. The commercial skyscraper known as Twentytwo, named after its postal address of 22 Bishopsgate in the City of London, is so tall that it casts a long reflection of the rising sun all the way to the bridge. Twentytwo, which has 62 storeys and is 278 m (912 ft) high, was completed this year and is currently being fitted out. It is currently the second tallest building in the United Kingdom.

Further information.
Image information.
- Date taken: December 2020.
- Address: Lambeth Bridge.
- Camera: Canon EOS 5D (Mark IV) with 100mm lens.
- Purchase link: https://www.alamy.com/portfolio/kevinjfrost/kevinjfrostcomimageswinter2020.html.
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